Tuesday 31 May 2022

Tuesday 3/31 web hunt

1. It would take 7 hours and 30 minutes

2. January 4th, 1849, California

3. October 1,1890

4. Abraham Lincoln

5.He was a philosopher and a botanist

6. September 25, 1890, protect giant tree logging

7. The general Sherman tree is the tallest

8. March 4th, 1940

9. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, march 1872

10. Sacramento

11. March 2022

Monday 2 May 2022

Person who influenced my life

Andrew has positively influenced my life by being a good friend. He's always there when you need it.

Thursday 28 April 2022

How to roll

 First take your herb of choice and break it into small pieces. Then take a wrap of choice and remove the tobacco. Finally evenly lay the herb through the wrap. The last and most important step is to tuck the wrap into itself and lick the wrap while folding it over snug. Your roll is now ready.

Tuesday 3/31 web hunt

1. It would take 7 hours and 30 minutes 2. January 4th, 1849, California 3. October 1,1890 4. Abraham Lincoln 5.He was a philosopher and a b...